Upcoming Events

 Sept 8th
The Apple Valley Lake Social Club is bringing back another event from past years! A
Cruise In & Ice Cream Social will take place at Floral Valley Hall, 850 Crestrose Dr on
Sunday, September 8 from 12pm—4pm.
Do you have a special car to show off? We want to see it! There is no registration
charge, but if you can, please pre-register by contacting
[email protected]. We would like to get as many
participants registered before the day to help us plan on parking. All participants need
to be parked by 11:30 am for safety reasons. It will save us time and also give us a
heads up of how many cars we should expect. We also will have an area for
participants to set up tables for a swap meet if they wish. Volunteers will be on site at
9:30 am setting up and would be able to help participants park any time after that until
11:30. Follow the signs and look for the volunteers in the snazzy orange vests!
Our rain date is September 15th. If we need to cancel due to rain, all registered
participants will receive an email by 9:00 am on the 8th.
Sept 21st
Oct 12th
Oct 26th